Monday, May 19, 2008

How to Work Yahoo Search Engine

First we'll try Yahoo! One trick when searching is to narrow your focus. Entering "San Francisco" in the search box results in over 403 million sites related to the City by the Bay! Entering "cable cars" results in 92 million sites, many of which have nothing to do with San Francisco. By combing the terms ("San Francisco cable cars"), the search still returns over 10 million sites, along with a brief description of each one. Now you have to visit each site to see if there's any information about cable car schedules. Fortunately, the first three sites listed all contain information pertinent to our search.

Yahoo Inc has introduced a software development tool that lets outside parties create customized views of Yahoo Web search results, the company said on Thursday.

Making good on one piece of a strategy to open up its core network services, Yahoo said it was offering SearchMonkey, a technology that lets website owners display selected Yahoo search results on their sites.

Instead of offering a one-size-fits-all approach to search, Yahoo is allowing website owners and users to have more choice about what information they want to show and see when they use Yahoo search.

Yahoo said SearchMonkey can create custom views of Yahoo search in as little as 10 minutes. The free website building tool can be found at

I have to sketch out the details once again before this Monday for a official presentation. But then what i want to share here with you is my experience of sharing the E-mail Support providing Computer Help.

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